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Signs That Your Washing Machine Needs Cleaning

Every now and then, you should check for signs that your washing machine needs cleaning. Washing machines go through cycles daily of dirty clothes so it’s not uncommon for dirt and odours to build up. Our washing machine takes care of our clothes so it’s only fair we take care of it regularly.

Signs Your Washing Machine Needs Cleaning

To keep your clothes in good shape, you need to take care of the washing machine first. Here are signs that your washing machine needs cleaning!

1. The Clothes Aren’t In The Best Condition

You set your washing cycle on, you wait for your clothes to finish and then find out they’re not cleaned to a high standard. If you find yourself in this position, it’s a sign that your washing machine filter needs to be clean.

Leaving your filter unchecked will cause laundry detergent to latch on your clothes and your clothes won’t dry well. The rule of thumb is to clean your washing machine filter every six months to avoid clothes’ condition decaying.

2. The Washing Machine Has a Bad Odour

If you spot a bad odour lingering from your washing machine, it is a major sign that it needs to be cleaned. Expectedly, a washing machine contacts germs and bacteria from dirty laundry so it’s not surprising mould builds up inside.

Nonetheless, this mould can go on your clothes, which is extremely unhygienic, so it’s better to clean without delay.

3. The Rubber Seal Around The Door Has Black Stains

A major sign that your washing machine needs cleaning is noticing any black stains on the rubber seal around the door. In a damp environment, mould, and bacteria build up and these get stuck on the rubber seal. Always make sure you act fast and clean the rubber seal to avoid further dirt forming.

Sometimes, any stains left on the washing machine door could be from laundry detergents that haven’t been rinsed away. Always make sure you are keeping an eye out for any stains.

Our guide should help you to spot the signs that your washing machine needs cleaning and make your laundry experience better!

If your washing machine is faulty or you missed the day to give it a good clean, get in touch with Laundryheap! We’ll launder your clothes and return them back to you within 24 hours until your washing machine is in good condition again!

Visit our website to make a booking or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!


5 Signs You Need To Replace Your Washing Machine

Do you hear that aggressive noise coming from your washing machine? Did you almost slip over the leaking water again? Well, without going into technical terms and explanations, here are 5 signs that tell you it’s time for you to replace that old thing.

  1. It’s having a concert: Okay, so not literally having a ‘concert’, but the noise is so over-powering that you can barely hear the TV. It’s spinning so fast that it becomes unbalanced and makes loud thumping noises. This probably means that you have to re-arrange your load or that your motor mount may be loose.
  2. It’s leaking, EXCESSIVELY!: Another obvious sign is an overly leaky machine. The problem results from either overflowing water because it doesn’t match your load size or there’s a loose connection in one of the several hoses connected to the washing machine.
  3. The water hasn’t drained: If your cycle has ended but your clothes are still soaking wet when you go to take them out, it’s clearly because the water hasn’t drained and there’s most likely a problem with your water filter.
  4. There’s a funky smell: If you open your machine and almost get knocked out by an awful smell, that’s because, over time, your machine has been collecting soap scum, dirt and other debris. This causes bacteria and mould to grow in your machine. 
  5. You bought it before 2010: Like all appliances, they are subject to eventually wear out. Typically, you want to replace your washing machine every 8-11 years depending on how high-tech it is. Anything over this period will cause problems to arise with your laundry. So if it’s been 8 years, it’s about time to upgrade.


If you notice any of these signs, parts of your washing machine have begun to wear out. The first thing you can do is get it checked and repaired by a professional or replaced asap! Meanwhile, whilst you’re waiting to resolve your washing machine issue, you can leave your laundry to Laundryheap! (We’ll probably get your clothes delivered back to you before your washing machine is replaced 😉)

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