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Post-Christmas clean-up

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Christmas is officially over. It may not be time to take down the tree and decorations, but it’s time to reset your home and get ready for the New Year. Here are just a few things that might be on your post-Christmas clean-up list.  

  • Tackle the dishes
  • Empty the bin 
  • Hoover 
  • Mop
  • Clean the oven 
  • Tackle stains 
  • Dust 
  • Change bedding 

Tackle the dishes 

Christmas is not the time for doing dishes. This, although a lovely break at the time, does mean that there will be a build-up to get through post-Christmas. If you don’t have a dishwasher, this could take some time, so take it step by step. Consider dividing your dishes up by category, for example, washing all of the plates and cutlery together, followed by the cooking dishes, and finishing with the glasses. Enlist the help of loved ones to help make the task quicker, dividing the responsibility of washing, drying, and putting away between the 3 of you. With the help of loved ones, your dishes will be sparkling clean in no time. 

Image by ryan lee

Empty the bin 

The dishes aren’t the only thing that will be piling up throughout the Christmas festivities, the rubbish will be as well. Wrapping paper, empty food containers, and bottles are just some of the things that will be thrown away during the holiday season. Before emptying the bin, sift through the rubbish, dividing it up into recyclable and non-recyclable. You can then get rid of all of your non-recyclable rubbish, and take the recyclable materials to your closest recycling centre. 

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels


The excitement of Christmas gets to us all, so there will probably be at least a few crumbs to hoover up. Give your home a thorough hoovering, kitchen included, to quickly pick up any dust, dirt, or crumbs that may be lying around. It’s surprising how much fresher a room can feel once it’s been given a good hoover. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


Once you have hoovered, it’s time to mop. Make your hard floors sparkle by using a mop to remove any tough, worn-in, stains- this will probably be mostly in the kitchen area. Make sure that you let everyone in your home aware that you are mopping or risk an accident on the slippery floor. 

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

Clean the oven 

Your oven will be working hard throughout Christmas day to cook the perfect Christmas dinner for you and your loved ones, so it deserves a thorough post-Christmas clean. Remove all of the trays and shelves from your oven and soak them in a basin of hot, soapy water. Whilst they soak, sweep away any debris from the bottom of your oven and give the inside and door of your oven a clean. You can use a branded cleaning solution specifically designed for ovens, or baking soda and white vinegar. Once your oven is sparkling clean you can remove your trays and shelves from the soapy water, give them a thorough rinse, and put them back in your oven, ready to use. 

Image by Alpha

Tackle stains 

Stains are a common occurrence at Christmas. Food and drink are dripped down clothing, mopped up by tablecloths and tea towels that will be permanently stained if not treated appropriately. Tackle all stains, both clothing and kitchen textiles, whilst doing your post-Christmas clean-up. Separate items by stain, material, and colour to make it quicker to treat each stain, and then launder each item as appropriate. Similarly to washing the dishes, you can enlist the help of loved ones, so whilst you are tackling stains, someone else is loading and unloading the washing machine. 


It’s truly amazing how quickly dust forms. Avoiding dusting for even just the Christmas season will result in a build-up of the stuff. Whilst doing your post-Christmas clean up, grab a feather duster and run it across the surfaces in your home. You might not necessarily have to polish each area, but dusting will at least leave all of your surfaces clean and much more tidy looking. Dusting is an easy task, so you may want to hand the responsibility to a younger loved one to give them something to do. 

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Change bedding 

If you had loved ones staying with you over the festive season you will need to change the beds. Strip the bedding from all the beds in the house, and launder as appropriate. Whilst your bedding is being laundered, you can make each bed with a fresh, clean, set of bedding. There is no better feeling than getting into a freshly made bed with freshly made sheets, especially after a day of post-Christmas cleaning. 

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

You have enough on your post-Christmas cleaning list to deal with without adding laundry. Luckily, we’re here to tick that chore off of your list. Book your Laundryheap order today by heading to the Laundryheap website or downloading the free Laundryheap app. 

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Why do we need clean beaches?

Photo by Adrianna Calvo from Pexels

Every day 8 million pieces of litter enter the sea. This includes plastic bags, metal cans, fishing nets, and cigarettes. Beach clean-ups are essential in preventing human waste from reaching the ocean and causing more damage to our environment. These are just 5 of the reasons they are so important. 

  • Beaches in the ecosystem
  • Saving marine animals
  • A thriving economy 
  • Limit illness 
  • A safer environment 

Beaches in the ecosystem 

Beaches are an integral part of our ecosystem. They provide a home for thousands of marine species, some of which can’t be seen by the naked eye. These tiny organisms are essential in the process of seawater filtration and nutrient recycling, which gives us fresh water to drink. In addition to this, many marine creatures, such as sea turtles, use beaches to nest and lay eggs. If beaches continue to be polluted, these species will have no space to nest, leading to their extinction, and a drastic shift in the food chain. 

Photo by Jolo Diaz from Pexels

Saving marine animals 

8.3 million tonnes of plastic is discarded in the ocean every year, killing 1 million marine animals. Beach clean-ups lower the chances of species coming into contact with and being harmed by waste left on the beach. What may seem like only a plastic bottle, could cause serious harm to marine life, so it’s best to pick it up and eliminate the risk. 

Photo by Lucien Wanda from Pexels

A thriving economy 

Beaches attract millions of tourists to coastal locations, encouraging them to explore not only the beach but the local attractions. Globally, tourism makes up for 1 in 4 jobs, making it a financially viable industry we must continue growing. If our beaches are overly polluted, tourists won’t be interested in visiting coastal areas and spending money on local businesses, resulting in global job losses.

Limit illness

The pollution we put into the ocean can end up making us sick. The average seafood eater will consume 11,000 fragments of plastic every year, the chemicals of which can make you incredibly ill. Picking up as much plastic as possible from our beaches will prevent it from polluting the waters and the marine life we may end up eating, lessening our chances of becoming ill. 

Photo by Harrison Haines from Pexels

A safer environment 

Polluted beaches filled with discarded litter are not only damaging to the ecosystem but are also incredibly dangerous for visitors. Broken glass, plastic bags, and cigarette butts can cause serious harm to anyone strolling down the beach who may happen to accidentally step on them. The risk of damage increases for children who are more likely to pick up pieces of rubbish and mistake them for toys or ingestible items. It’s simply safer in all manners to pick up litter as soon as you see it. 

Photo by Ben Mack from Pexels

Whilst you help clean up your local beach, we will help clean up your laundry pile. Book your Laundryheap order now by heading to the Laundryheap website or downloading the free Laundryheap app. If you are residing in Dallas, use the code TRY25US to get 25% off of your first Laundryheap order.