Laundryheap Blog – Laundry & Dry Cleaning

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What Happens If Too Much Laundry Detergent Is Used?

Laundry detergents are popular among many households; they do exactly what they say on the tin and leave our clothes smelling exceptionally fresh. While it does do the job, there is a misconception that the more laundry detergent you use, the cleaner your clothes will be. In this blog, we will explain what happens if too much laundry detergent is used.

Too much laundry detergent is used
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5 Laundry Habits To Stop in 2023

The new year presents an opportunity for change and getting rid of bad habits. When it comes to laundry, there are some habits that need to stay in 2022. In this blog, we’ll go through 5 laundry habits to stop in 2023.

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How To Remove Cheese Stains

Today happens to be national cheese toast day. For the cheese lovers out there, celebrate loudly and eat good cheese! It goes well in our pasta, mac and cheese, pizza, and toast! However, cheese dropping on your clothes is not a good sight and if you need guidance on how to remove cheese stains, this blog will help you!

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Scrape The Cheese Stained Area

First things first, don’t wet the cheese stains when you first notice them. Instead, try to scrape as much of the cheese stain using a paper towel.

Pre-Treat And Wash Gently

To remove cheese stains, always read the care labels to be extra cautious with your garment material. Once you’ve read the care label, start to pre-treat the stained area with a liquid detergent and wait for 5 – 10 minutes.

Afterwards, put your garment in warm water. Start to wash it gently and use a clean cloth to scrub the stain with a detergent solution.

If you’re not happy with the results, you can repeat the same steps, but this time treat the cheese-stained area with 1/3 cup of vinegar and 2/3 cup of water. If your garment is made of fabric, put it into the washing machine and start to launder.

Dry Your Garment

After the washing cycle is over, get a soaked clean sponge and try to blot the stain to make sure the detergent solution is removed. When you remove the cheese stains, proceed to dry your garment, ideally on an outdoor clothesline.

We hope cheese stains on your clothes don’t ruin national cheese toast day for you! It’s a day that deserves celebration and brings joy to all cheese lovers!

At Laundryheap, we love cheese as much as we love doing your laundry.

If you don’t have a washing machine, just get in touch with Laundryheap! We’ll remove the cheese stains on your clothes and also launder them to perfection!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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How To Hand-Wash Tights

Whether worn in the warmer or colder months, legwear clothing never goes out of style. They’re simple and are a great addition to your wardrobes. The feeling of happiness is unmatched when you first buy tights but keeping them in mint condition is important. Today just happens to be National Legwear Day so for this blog, we’ll guide you on how to hand-wash tights.

1. Read The Care Labels

Before you start to wash your tights, it’s best to know the basics about tights. Read the care labels to get a good understanding of the instructions. Keep in mind that tights are quite delicate so don’t wash them with other clothes.

Furthermore, to avoid over-washing your tights, only wash them after second or third wear. If they’re still not dirty, you can even wash them after the fifth wear.

2. Hand-Wash Tights

For some of us, laundry day is the worst day (hence why you should book a laundry service so you don’t have to do the laundry). When it comes to washing tights, they usually don’t require the use of washing machines. Yes, that’s right. Hand-washing tights can and will produce the best cleaning results.  

First things first, fill a tub with water. We go back to the first point; read the care label to see what water temperature is required. If information is not clear, fill the tub with lukewarm water and add half a cup of laundry detergent.

After the tub is filled, turn your tights inside out.

3. Scrub The Bacteria-Prone Areas

Thirdly, gently scrub the bacteria-prone areas (these would be the feet and crotch). Then allow your tights to soak for 10 minutes.

4. Rinse The Tights

Afterwards, start to rinse in cold water and make sure the soap is gone. Make sure your tights are without soap when you take them out.

5. Start To Dry

The hard part has all been done, hooray! Hang your tights out to dry. It’s worth mentioning that you should avoid drying them in the tumble dryer.

Tights are a great piece of clothing that is made for the winter. We hope this guide to hand-wash your tights will help you maintain their quality!

A friendly reminder that if you’re busy in the colder months, we do offer laundry services to help you out!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.


How To Remove Cooking Oil Stains

You’re cooking a tasty meal and suddenly, you notice a cooking oil stain on your clothes. We’ve all been there. The kitchen does get messy, and if aprons aren’t available to use, cooking oil can spill on our clothes accidentally. You may feel frustrated, but the good news is that we’ve prepared some useful tips on how to remove cooking oil stains!

It is important to point out that there are different methods, but we will guide you with the most common method to remove cooking oil stains.

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Steps To Take To Remove Cooking Oil Stains

To properly remove a cooking oil stain, the general rule of thumb is to treat it with care and act instantly. Letting a stain dry out makes it difficult as it can permanently set into the fabric.

Once you notice cooking oil stains on your clothes, immediately use hot water to reduce the chances of stains settling. Then try to remove any oily solids with a butter knife. This will help to absorb as much oil as possible.

Secondly, you should apply laundry detergent to the stain and wait for 5-10 minutes. If the stain is still stubborn, try using a liquid dish soap just for better results.

Thirdly, begin to rinse the oil cooking stained area and use a stain remover bar. Afterwards, put the garment into the washing machine with the hottest water settings for efficient and effective cleaning results.

Once the washing machine cycle finishes, check to see if the cooking oil stain is removed. If you’re happy with what you see, either put the garment in the dryer or hang it outside to dry.

Consequently, if you dry your garment with the stain still intact, it will do more damage so be certain the stain is removed.

Now that you know how to remove cooking oil stains, you’ll be in a better position next time to remove the stains accordingly!

If you are still unsure or don’t have a washing machine available, just get in touch with Laundryheap and we will remove the cooking oil stains from your clothes!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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How To Remove Fried Chicken Stains

Fried chicken is tasty. It looks great on your plate but not so much on your favourite shirt when fried chicken accidentally slips from your hand! Food stains on your clothes will fill you with a sense of dread but not to worry, we’re here to show you how to remove fried chicken stains!

Photo by Tim Samuel (from Pexels).

1. Avoid Wiping or Rubbing The Stain

The first step to removing fried chicken stains is to avoid wiping or rubbing the stain when it lands on your clothes. By doing this, you’ll push the stain deeper into your fabric and thus making it difficult to remove.

2. Clean The Stained Area

To remove fried chicken stains, clean the stained area as soon as possible. The sooner you clean, the less dry it will get. If you’re in the middle of eating your fried chicken, it’s best to pause briefly and take the time to clean the stain.

3. Scrape it With a Butter Knife (if dry)

If you happened to spot the fried chicken stains late and it’s become dry on your clothes, you need to get a butter knife and scrape it off gently. Make sure you’re not scraping it onto a carpet so try to go to a kitchen sink and start scraping to remove the fried chicken stains.

4. Absorb The Fried Chicken Stain

To make your laundry work as seamless as possible, pour some baby powder, corn starch and baking soda to absorb the oily parts of the fried chicken stain. After 15 minutes, start brushing the stained area.

  • Pour Liquid Detergent

In addition, put some liquid detergent into the stained area and gently rub the fabric together for cleaner results. Ideally, it’s best to wait 15 or 30 minutes before moving to the next step.

  • Start Rinsing

Once you are happy with the results so far, start washing your garment with hot water (as recommended for fabrics).

5. Inspect The Laundry

After you’ve finished rinsing your garment, check to see If the fried chicken stains are gone. If you are satisfied with the results, hang your garment either on the garden clothesline or on a drying rack. We advise against putting your chicken fried-stained clothes in the dryer as the high heat does make the stains harder to remove.

You now have the guide to removing fried chicken stains from your clothes. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t let a chicken fried stain ruin your eating experience, especially on national fried chicken day!

Enjoy your fried chicken and if there are any stains on your top, just get in touch with Laundryheap and we’ll clean it for you!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.


Tips On Running a Café

Running a café is rewarding; seeing your customers happy after they’ve had their first sip of coffee is a great feeling! however, behind every business, there will be challenges and to help you manage, we’ve compiled some tips on running a café!

Get To Know Your Customers

Your customers are the heart of your business and the reason you are running a café. Customer service isn’t just about making the coffee, you should also get to know your customers and spark a friendly small talk with them. Remember their orders too – it goes a long way in making them feel welcomed at your café!

Work To Your Staff’s Strengths

The best businesses are those that allocate tasks according to skill level. Obviously, you should train your staff well but consider their strengths and weaknesses and assign tasks based on that. Everybody is good at something. If you have a staff member who has a friendly personality, assign them to the till where they interact with customers. If you have a staff member who is great at making drinks, instruct them to stay in the coffee bar during shifts.

Set a Culture All About Good Hygiene

Especially in these times, hygiene is more important than ever. Hand washing, good personal hygiene, effective equipment, and dish cleaning are all fundamental parts of running a café. Be clear to your staff and set cleaning schedules to make sure you never miss a deep cleaning day!. Wipe the surfaces and mop the floor meticulously. check everything is as spotless as possible! Cleaning makes a huge difference to your hygiene ratings!

Partner Up With A Laundry Service

Running a café alone isn’t easy. Consider partnering up with a laundry service like Laundryheap. We can imagine there will be milk or coffee stains on your work aprons after a long shift. The bar does get messy.

The good news is, with Laundryheap, we can clean your staff aprons and your bar towels. All you need to do is book a service with us and we’ll deliver your laundry back to you within 24 hours – all professionally cleaned!

You handle the coffee, and we’ll handle the laundry!

Always Make Sure Food or Drink is Dated

What sets the café industry apart from other industries is that you have the responsibility of food and drink handling. Your customers trust you to prepare their food and drinks to a high standard. Make sure the milk is dated according to its expiry dates and they are stocked using the first-in, first-out method. Always double-check when your food and bakery go out of date. Your customers deserve a delicious and fresh bakery!

Now you have the best tips on running a café, we want to wish you the best of luck! If you feel that you need help with your laundry, get in touch with Laundryheap and we’ll make laundry easier for your café!

Whether it’s laundering or cleaning or ironing, we have the services for your cafe!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.


How To Remove Ice Cream Stains

For most, ice cream is a summer treat; the sound of the ice cream van brings joy and the temptation to buy ice cream during an evening walk is too much to resist. However, with every dessert, spillage on clothes is common and ice cream is no different. If you’re worried about your favourite top being ruined, no stress! We’re here to teach you how to remove ice cream stains!

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Treat the Stain Immediately

The trick to removing ice cream stains is to treat them right away to avoid the stain settling into the fabric. If you freeze now, the ice cream stain will dry; making it difficult to remove!

Read Label Instructions

As usual with any clothing material, read the instructions to make sure you aren’t handling it incorrectly. Every material needs different care.

Scrape off the Ice Cream

Get a spoon or butter knife to scrape off the ice cream and then turn your clothes inside out and put them in cold water to make sure there is little ice cream left. It’s worth noting that you must avoid using hot water because ice cream is a protein product.

Place Clothes In The Washing Machine

Once you’re done scraping off the ice cream stain, pour laundry detergent into the stain and then soak in cold water for 15 minutes.

Afterwards, put it in the washing machine. It is highly recommended you choose a cool wash setting for better results.

Put In Dryer

Once the washing cycle is complete, either put your garment on the clothesline or dryer but first double-check if the stain is completely gone!

Extra Tips

Ice cream is commonly eaten outside on a picnic or at the beach. If ice cream drips on your clothes outdoors, go to a nearby toilet or bathroom and use soap and cold water to treat it. It may not do the job immediately but once you are home, place it in the washer!

Encountering ice cream spills is inevitable but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your summer and your ice cream! Now that you know the best way to remove ice cream stains, you will be better prepared next time!

If you need a hand, book a service with Laundryheap and we’ll cool off your ice cream worries and remove the ice cream stains!

Visit Laundryheap’s website to book a service or download the free app on iOS or Android!

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How To Remove Egg Stains

Eggs, whether for breakfast or as chocolate Easter eggs, always look good on a plate but they don’t look good on your clothes. If you’ve spilt eggs on your clothes, no stress! To egg you on, we’re going to guide you on how to remove egg stains from your clothes!

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What You’ll Need to Remove Egg Stains

Before we get cracking, these are the list of supplies you will need to remove the egg stains:

  • Spoon (or a butter knife)
  • Brush
  • Water (salt is optional)
  • Liquid Laundry detergent

Instructions on Removing Egg Stains

After you’ve got all your supplies ready, it’s time to rescue your clothes!

  1. Firstly, use your spoon to remove the egg stain from the outside of your clothes. Don’t worry too much about the inside of your fabric for now. Scraping the stained part to remove as much of the egg as possible. This also works with a butter knife.
  • When you’ve done scraping with a spoon, proceed to rinse your egg-stained clothes with cold water and start scraping the egg-stained part to soften it.

Additionally, we strongly advise against using hot water. Eggs are protein; hot water will only cook the protein and will damage the fabric!

  • After you’ve used a spoon and finished rinsing your clothes, we recommend putting a laundry detergent (read the label first) on the egg-stained part for better and cleaner results. Simply pour a detergent directly onto the egg stain and using the same brush as before, spread it out. It’s important to stay patient as egg stains do need care and attention.
  • Fourthly, you will need to load your egg-stained clothes into the washing machine. To make the cleaning process more seamless, don’t rinse off the liquid detergent.

However, before you do load, always read the labels on your clothes for better care.

  • Moreover, place the correct amount of liquid detergent into the washing machine. If you feel unsure about the correct dose, use a pre-treat cap to guide you.
  • Start your washing machine with the regular cycle and the hottest temperature (depending on the instructions and labels on your clothes.
  • After your cycle is finished, unload to check if the egg stains are removed. If you’re happy with the results, start to dry your clothes!

Yes, you will have an egg on your face when you realise there are egg stains on your clothes but you are now equipped with a guide to remove egg stains next time this situation occurs!

If you need help to get remove the eggs, book with us, choose a collection day and we’ll have your clothes returned to you within 24 hours! No stress, no hassle and no more egg stains!

For any other laundry chores, visit Laundryheap’s website to book a service with us or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!


Jobs That Require Wearing an Apron

Aprons are essential; they protect our clothes from germs and dirt. It’s highly advisable to keep them clean consistently. If you have been tasked to prepare food or drinks in a workplace, the chances of you wearing an apron are very high.

Here are some of the most common jobs that require wearing an apron

1. Barista

A barista’s job is to prepare coffee and heat food and bakery. Wearing an apron is part of a barista’s dress code; in a fast-paced environment, the apron will have coffee or milk stains on it. Just like how a superhero needs a cape, the barista needs an apron to maintain health and safety standards for the work environment.

2. Baker

Bakers also are required to wear an apron. A baker’s job typically deals with pastries or cakes and unsurprisingly, it does get messy in a bakery.

Bakers wear aprons that cover the trousers, but the aprons are designed in a way that gives the baker ease, comfort, and mobility to move around the workplace.

3. Chef

The life of a chef can get very busy as they work in a non-stop environment but fortunately, they have an apron to protect them till the end of their shift. Whereas the aprons of a barista or baker cover mostly the trousers, a chef’s apron covers the body and down to the knees.

Bistro aprons are best suited for chefs as they allow easier mobility around the kitchen.

If you’re a restaurant owner, make sure you get fabrics that can absorb sweat in case your chefs need to speak to the customer. After all, presentation is everything in the eyes of your customers.

4. Hairdresser

Hairdressers work in a different industry compared to the previous 3 jobs. One similarity in all jobs is that aprons are vital. It’s essential for hairdressers at a salon or barbershop to wear an apron. The last thing they want to see is people’s hair all over their personal clothes so the solution to this problem is wearing an apron!

5. Hotel Maid

Hotel maids’ day-to-day responsibilities include cleaning, changing bedsheets and making sure overall hygiene standards are high. Maids will expect to see dust and dirt as they are cleaning the rooms and toilets. To protect them from germs, it is essential they wear an apron. It is recommended hotel maids wear an apron that has pockets so they can hold gloves and washcloths inside.

Photo by RODNAE Productions – Pexels

If you run a business that requires your staff to wear aprons, Laundryheap can help you to keep your aprons constantly cleaned and ironed! Whether you own a salon, restaurant, or café, we are here to help you!

Visit our website to book a service or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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